Stella Gracia School: Blended Learning Redefined Across All Schools

Stella Gracia School: Blended Learning Redefined Across All Schools

How can schools adapt to the evolving demands of modern education while maintaining high standards across multiple locations?  For Stella Gracia School (SGS), embracing cutting-edge technology and blended learning was key. By partnering with HeyHi, SGS enhanced its already tech-integrated learning environment by adopting a flexible, blended learning model that combines both offline and online education. Explore how HeyHi helped SGS address its challenges and set a new standard in blended learning excellence, showcasing the power of digital transformation in education!

SGS Case Study Background

Stella Gracia School (SGS) is a well-established institution in Indonesia, serving almost 2,000 students from primary to senior high school. With six schools in Pekanbaru, Makassar, Kupang, Lombok, Palu, and Lampung, SGS is committed to providing active and engaging learning experiences. The school ensures that students are clear on their goals and motivated to take charge of their educational progress.

SGS Students Using HeyHi in Classroom

SGS embraces a cooperative learning approach, incorporating technology into their classes and encouraging students to explore knowledge through collaboration, self-correction, and active questioning. This hands-on, technology-integrated curriculum is designed to foster independence, creativity, and problem-solving skills, equipping students with the tools to think critically and adapt to new challenges. As educational needs evolved and the digital learning landscape advanced, SGS recognized the need to further improve how students learn and engage with their studies.

SGS Case Study Challenges

Stella Gracia School (SGS) sought to enhance their already tech-integrated learning environment by transitioning to a more efficient, technologically advanced, and blended learning system. As an educational institution with six school branches and almost 2,000 students, SGS needed a solution that could streamline both their offline and online learning processes while maintaining high educational standards. The primary goal for SGS was to ensure that no student goes unnoticed when it comes to their academic progress.

One of the primary concerns for SGS was ensuring consistency in the learning experience across their multiple school branches. With multiple locations, SGS required a system that could efficiently manage content creation, distribution, and student progress tracking. This needed to be done without overburdening teachers, who were already managing a high volume of tasks, and without disrupting the existing curriculum. The solution had to be easy to implement across all schools while enhancing student outcomes.

Furthermore, SGS was looking for ways to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes by integrating more dynamic and interactive content into their educational processes. They needed an innovative platform that could track student performance in real time, create interactive content, and deliver personalised learning experiences regardless of whether students were learning in the classroom or remotely. This combination of logistical challenges and the demand for more effective educational tools led SGS to seek a partner that could meet their specific needs.

SGS Case Study Solution and Impact

Recognising HeyHi as a trusted leader in educational technology, Stella Gracia School (SGS) chose HeyHi to address their unique challenges. With six schools and almost 2,000 students, SGS needed a solution to streamline operations while maintaining high standards in assessment and learning. HeyHi introduced its tailored HQ-Branch system, specifically designed to support blended learning across schools with multiple locations. This system enabled SGS to manage both offline and online learning seamlessly. The HQ-level content management system centralised the creation and distribution of learning materials, while school branches could implement the curriculum in both physical and digital classrooms.

HeyHi’s integration of a ready-to-use question bank, an AI-powered question and worksheet generator, and an auto-marking system provided the perfect support for a blended learning environment. Teachers could now create customised worksheets that were easily adaptable for both in-class and remote learning. Additionally, HeyHi’s auto-marking system includes a highly efficient bubble sheet feature, addressing one of SGS’s key concerns about transitioning to a digital system. Traditionally, bubble sheets have been valued for their simplicity in capturing multiple-choice answers, and HeyHi has seamlessly incorporated this familiar format into its digital platform.

HeyHi Highlights SGS Case Study

The offline-to-online bubble sheet auto-marking feature in HeyHi makes assessments effortless! Here’s how it works:

  • Auto-Shuffled, Personalised Worksheets: Export worksheets to PDF, with each student’s name, ID, and shuffled questions—ready for printing.
  • Scan & Upload in Bulk: Easily scan and upload multiple answer sheets at once, with the system automatically recognising and categorising them by student and class.
  • Instant Auto-Marking: For multiple-choice questions, the system automatically marks bubble sheets, saving teachers hours of manual grading.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: View detailed class performance on one screen, helping you quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student.
  • Long-Term Data Storage: Track student progress over time with performance reports, giving you the insights needed to tailor your teaching for maximum impact!

This seamless integration of offline and online assessment not only saves time but empowers teachers with real-time insights for better, more personalised learning.

The AI-driven system further empowered SGS educators by providing real-time tracking of student performance through data-driven assessment. Teachers could easily monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and offer targeted support, ensuring that every student received personalised attention. Immediate feedback on assignments helped students grasp concepts more effectively without lengthy in-class reviews, allowing teachers to focus more on personalised instruction.

HeyHi’s digital platform transformed classroom management and student engagement at SGS. Students now access their worksheets on personal devices and benefit from the system’s automatic grading of multiple-choice, open-ended, and essay questions, as well as bubble sheets. This shift has fostered a more interactive and self-directed learning environment, with instant feedback enhancing student motivation and understanding of coursework.

HeyHi’s solution also provided SGS teachers with detailed analytics for reporting and profiling, making it easy to track progress across both in-person and remote learning environments. Transparency in student performance and progress fostered greater parental involvement, helping to strengthen the support system between the school, students, and parents.

From a business perspective, the HQ-Branch system has enabled SGS to manage their operations more efficiently. The headquarters can distribute learning materials, monitor progress, and ensure curriculum quality across all locations, while each school maintains its operational independence. This setup has not only improved administrative efficiency but also enhanced SGS’s reputation as an innovative, future-ready institution.

SGS Achievements Using HeyHi

Through their partnership with HeyHi, SGS has successfully transitioned to a modern digital learning environment, empowering both educators and students. The positive impact on student performance and school operations has solidified SGS’s standing as a forward-thinking educational leader, well-prepared to meet the evolving needs of 21st-century learners.

SGS Case Study Conclusion

The partnership between Stella Gracia School and HeyHi highlights the transformative impact of embracing digital learning solutions. By combining both offline and online education in a seamless and modern digital environment, SGS has enhanced student engagement, streamlined operations, and delivered personalised learning experiences. This success story underscores the power of innovation in education and sets a benchmark for schools aiming to thrive in the digital age. SGS’s journey with HeyHi serves as a compelling example for educational institutions looking to revolutionise their approach and achieve exceptional outcomes.

HeyHi in Classroom of SGS Students

Explore how HeyHi can elevate your educational approach and empower your students with outstanding results. Discover more about Stella Gracia School here or learn more about the impact of HeyHi tailored solutions here.

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