classroom management

20 Classroom Management Strategies and Technique to Ensure Better Learners Outcome

One of our primary goals as educators is to provide a supportive and productive learning environment for our learners. To achieve this objectives, effective classroom management technique and strategies that foster learner interaction, active participation, and a culture of respect must be established. In this article, we’ll go through the top 20 classroom management strategies and techniques to help you thrive as an educator.

The Importance of Classroom Management

Are you prepared to liven up your classroom? Prioritising classroom management is one of the most critical things you can do to make your classroom a pleasant and engaging atmosphere! Consider this: if your learners are continually off-task, disruptive, or disengaged, creating a good and effective learning environment will be almost difficult.

This is when classroom management comes into play. You may establish a feeling of structure and predictability in your classroom by setting clear standards for behaviour and developing routines and processes that learners understand and follow. This can make your learners feel more at ease and confident, leading to increased engagement and involvement.

20 Effective Classroom Strategies and Techniques

As an educator, you realise that each classroom is different, and that what works for one group of learners may not work for another. Yet, there are several tried-and-true ideas and techniques that might help you and your learners succeed. Consider the following 20 successful classroom strategies and techniques:

  1. Use Digital Learning Methods

Especially in the modern age where technology is an integral part of learners’ life, using digital learning techniques helps keep learners motivated and involved in the information being taught. Learners who participate in digital learning have access to a variety of multimedia technologies that can be used to supplement traditional classroom instruction.

Some examples of material include audio recordings, interactive games, and online simulations. This approach is especially helpful in topics like science and math that demand for exploration and imagination.

  1. One-on-one Interaction

One-on-one interaction with learners can aid in developing trust and a healthy relationship between the educator and the learner. This method might be very beneficial for struggling learners or requiring further assistance in their studies. By providing customised attention, educators may contribute to equitable chances and provide these learners with the tools they need to succeed.

One-on-one interaction can be seen in individual conferences, small group work, and mentorship programs. The objective is to give educators opportunities to work with learners in ways that are tailored to their specific needs and abilities.

Read more: How to Identify and Address Learning Gap Effectively in Your Classroom

  1. Use Peer Teaching Method

The peer teaching method involves learners taking turns teaching and explaining topics to their peers, which can assist reinforce their grasp of the content and increase collaboration among classmates. This strategy may be extremely effective since it helps both the learner receiving assistance and the learner providing the teaching.

To effectively employ peer teaching in your classroom, deliberately match learners based on their skill level, learning style, and personality. Teach learners how to ask questions, offer feedback, and explain topics effectively so that they may be great peer tutors. Through group projects, partnered activities, or homework partners, provide possibilities for peer teaching.

  1. Use Reward System

Employing a reward system to inspire and promote positive behaviour among learners, such as finishing assignments on time, engaging in class discussions, or assisting their classmates, may be quite beneficial. To put it into action, identify the intended behaviours to reward and select rewards that will encourage learners. Explain the system and goals to learners, track progress, and be consistent and fair in your approach.

But, it is equally critical to promote intrinsic drive and avoid using prises as punishment or restricting them to failing kids. You may create a positive learning environment that encourages good behaviour and active involvement with a well-designed reward system.

  1. Spotlight Class Rules

Spotlighting class rules can assist ensure that they are understood and followed by learners. Include learners in the creation of the rules, and display them prominently in the classroom. Refer to the rules frequently and encourage rule-following behaviour while constructively addressing rule-breaking actions.

By doing so, you may contribute to the development of a healthy classroom culture in which learners are invested in obeying the rules and supporting one another’s learning. This can result in better conduct and engagement for all learners, as well as a more productive learning environment.

  1. Add Regular Feedback Box

For learner success and engagement, regular feedback is a must. A feedback box can aid in the development of an open and collaborative classroom environment. Establish clear expectations for the sort of feedback you want and respond to it promptly. Use feedback to improve your teaching and demonstrate to learners that you appreciate their opinions.

By introducing a feedback box into your classroom routine, you may foster an open and collaborative environment in which learners feel heard and respected, therefore assisting your learners in reaching their full potential.

Read more: Tips to Conduct Online Formative and Summative Assessment

  1. Hold Parties

Holding classroom parties to celebrate learner successes, birthdays, or special events may help establish a positive classroom atmosphere and foster community among learners. Classroom parties may encourage learners to develop a feeling of community and camaraderie, as well as promote a good and welcoming learning environment. Ensure that the event is inclusive to all learners.

  1. Offer Free Study Time

Classroom parties to honour learner achievements, birthdays, or special events that can help to promote a healthy school atmosphere and foster learner bonding. Classroom parties may foster a sense of community and friendship among learners while also encouraging a good and inclusive learning environment. Establish that the event is suitable for all learners.

  1. Use EdTech

To enhance learning and streamline classroom management, consider using EdTech tools such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, or online quizzes. By using edtech tools, educators can help bring lessons to life and help learners better understand the material.

It’s important to provide guidance and support to learners when using edtech tools, and to ensure that the technology is accessible to all learners. For example, you can use the HeyHi learning space for interactive teaching completed with an interactive whiteboard, e-assessment, and other features that can engage learner focus. Try here!

  1. Use Gamification

Gamification is the use of game-like features to make learning more interactive and engaging, such as points, badges, and leaderboards. Educators may assist motivate learners and develop a feeling of healthy rivalry by introducing these aspects into classroom activities.

An educator, for example, could give learners points for finishing projects on time or participating in class discussions. These points can subsequently be used for rewards or privileges such as additional credit or participation in a special activity. Gamification should only be utilised to improve learning rather than as a replacement for learning.

Read more: 10 Fun and Effective Learning Games to Gamify Your Online Classroom

  1. Praise without Personal Bias

It’s essential to acknowledge learners’ achievements, but it’s even more important to do so unbiasedly. Educators may encourage and motivate all learners, regardless of their personal history or qualities, by delivering positive comments based on objective criteria.

Instead of commending a learner for being “smart,” an educator may commend them for their hard work and persistence. Educators may make all learners feel valued and driven to achieve by concentrating on effort and success rather than innate ability.

  1. Consistent, Insistent, and Persistent

Using classroom management tactics in a consistent, insistent, and persistent manner is essential for guaranteeing its efficacy in establishing a healthy learning environment. Establishing successful classroom management requires consistency. Educators should be consistent in their expectations, regulations, and penalties to enforce these standards consistently. 

Educators may establish a feeling of structure and regularity in the classroom by being insistent and persistent, which can assist in minimising disruptive behaviour and encourage learners ’ participation.

  1. Use Positive Tone

While communicating with learners, using a positive tone can assist in establishing a friendly and encouraging learning atmosphere. Educators may assist their learners in developing confidence by utilising positive language and tone. Constructive feedback and encouragement may also assist learners to gain confidence and motivation.

  1. Own Up to Your Mistakes

Educators aren’t flawless, and admitting and accepting responsibility for mistakes is important. Educators should model accountability and responsibility by acknowledging mistakes and teaching learners that everyone makes mistakes. This can also help learners gain trust and respect.

  1. Incorporate Movement

Moving in the classroom can help to engage learners and promote active learning. Simple stretching exercises to more complicated physical hobbies like dancing or yoga are examples of movement. Moving may also help learners improve their focus and attention, which is especially crucial for learners who have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time.

  1. Understand Special Needs

Educators need to recognise and accommodate learners’ unique needs in order to guarantee that each learner has an equal opportunity to learn and prosper in the classroom. Providing for special needs learners necessitates a thorough grasp of each learner’s individual problems and skills. Educators can collaborate with parents, school psychologists, and other experts to create IEPs or 504 plans that explain specific adjustments and changes to assist each learner’s success.

  1. Always Plan Ahead

Preparing ahead of time can support educators in anticipating any issues or difficulties that may occur during a class. For example, if an educator is aware that a particular learner has trouble with a certain topic, they can prepare to give more help and guidance during that class. Planning ahead also can help reduce disruptions and create a healthy classroom environment.

A math educator, for example, may want to introduce a new subject by beginning with a quick review of relevant information from the prior lesson. They may then demonstrate how to solve a few issues before moving on to guided practice and independent work time.

Read more: 9 Free Virtual Lesson Plans for Teachers

  1. Give Learners Responsibility

Offering learners responsibilities might help them develop independence and self-confidence. Assigning group projects, allowing learners to lead class discussions, or enabling learners to pick their own learning activities are all examples of this. Educators may assist learners develop a feeling of ownership and interest in their own learning by giving them responsibilities.

  1. Be Flexible

Being adaptive and flexible is crucial to effective classroom management. For example, if an educator had scheduled an outside activity for the day but unforeseen weather changes made it impossible, they may immediately switch to an interior activity without interrupting the flow of the class. Similarly, if a learner has difficulty grasping a subject, an educator may need to modify their teaching method to better satisfy the needs of the learner.

  1. Focus on Behavior Over Achievement

While academic success is essential, concentrating only on it can create a competitive and stressful learning atmosphere. Educators may foster healthy social and emotional development in their learners by concentrating on behaviour and character characteristics such as persistence, respect, and responsibility. This may contribute to a more supportive and inclusive learning environment and assist learners in acquiring the skills and attributes required for academic and personal success.


To summarise, effective classroom administration is an essential part of providing learners with a positive and engaging learning environment. Educators may improve learner engagement, minimise disruptive behaviour, and achieve better learning results by implementing these top 20 classroom management strategies and techniques.

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